Vicidial How to Setup General Answering Drop
Voicemail Drop system in the dialer automatically “drops” the audio message without connecting to the agent and then jumps to the next call.
Voicemail Drop system in the dialer automatically “drops” the audio message without connecting to the agent and then jumps to the next call.
What is a Voicemail drop? In the predictive dial method, the moment a call goes to voicemail, a Voicemail Drop system in the dialer automatically “drops” the audio message without connecting to the agent and then jump to the next call.
In edialer system, you can set up your campaign caller ID to be agent specific which means it’s possible for each agent to have their own phone number and caller ID. In this video, I will walk you through how to set up the campaign Caller ID in the ViciDial system. A campaign Caller ID
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