What is 0 toll free number in US?

0 toll free numbers in US is a number in US that can be called in the United States of America without charges. The government established them for social relations among citizens as it bridges unnecessary communication gaps. The toll free number is scattered and pasted everywhere in the streets. They can also be sourced from some government personnel, bus stops, airports, hotel receptions and many other strategic positions. The toll free number can be called for many reasons and in many situations. It is almost a way of life in the US to have a toll free number if you have anything to do with the public. The government is about making it as law that all people should have and use toll free numbers. In fact it is becoming a part of the curriculum in elementary schools for pupils to learn toll free numbers off by heart so that they can call them in the moments of emergencies. There are national toll free numbers that can be used to reach federal government agencies and there is also both intra and inter city toll free numbers which are established by states for communication within the state and among states. Also within government ministries and so on, directors communicate with one another on administrative matters via toll free numbers all at the expense of governments.

Who and who have 0 toll free numbers in US?

Almost all establishments, public and private, in the US have toll free numbers. The police and all paramilitary security outfits, the hospitals, ambulances and health providing institutions, schools, markets and shopping mall to mention but a few. For the police number, any security breach or robbery case or even a road mishap is immediately made known to the police and in the twinkle of an eye they are there to intervene. If it is a case of health challenge, the health institutions are called and they will be of help immediately. The latest development now is that families in the US are acquiring their own toll free numbers which anyone who has any necessary information for them can use and get them informed. This number can be called with a landline, mobile line, fax line and once it is dialed it will be answered. Which ever number you use to call it will not attract any charge.

Who can call US toll free number?

Anybody at all can call the toll free number as long as he is in the US. The US toll free number does not discriminate between citizens and visitors. Any body that has any thing to iron out with any agency is free to call the number anytime: In the night, midnight or what ever period of the day. Even visitors who cannot trace their way can use the police toll free number to make enquiries about the location of the place they are going.