In this tutorial, I will walk you through how to set up an inbound campaign.
Inbound Campaign is a setup for your incoming calls.
If you would like to receive incoming calls to e-dialer, then you will need to allow incoming calls to your campaign.
This is not just a one step process. It’s a three step process, split into 3 parts.
*First, is to allow inbound calls to the campaign.
*Second step is adding the DID.
*Third is setting up an ingroup if necessary.
The last 2 steps will be discussed in separate videos.
Okay, let’s get started.
- First, let’s check the campaign’s dial method. Go to e-dialer’s administration dashboard.
- Then, campaigns.
- And, campaigns main. From here you will have an overview of what type of dial method the campaign is running.
-Inbound Man or Inbound Manual means, the campaign is on a manual dial method that allows incoming calls.
-Ratio is the predictive dialer method.
- To allow inbound calls, click modify to the campaign ID you would like to allow incoming calls to.
- Look for the field, “Allow Inbound and Blended”.
- Set this to Y, then save changes.
- Now, you will see the additional options for “Allowed Inbound Groups”.
- Check the ingroup boxes that you want to be received from this campaign.
- Then, Save changes.